The phrase " too many meetings " resonates widely among employees in the corporate sphere. This pervasive sentiment clashes with the pressing need for executives to boost productivity, prompting a reevaluation of the meeting culture in many organizations. Consider these startling statistics: Organizations devote an estimated 15% of their time to meetings. A staggering 71% of these meetings are deemed unproductive by participants. The average employee spends around 4.5 hours in meetings weekly, with 30% of employees reporting over 5 hours. The higher one climbs the corporate ladder, the more meetings one participates in : CEOs can spend up to 72% of their time in meetings, upper management about half, and middle management around 35%. Yet, the irony lies in the simultaneous complaints of employees about insufficient alignment and communication among colleagues, a perceived disconnect with management, and a lack of bottom-up involvement. These issues are often addressed by conv...
A weekly blog with articles on the future of financial services sector and more particular specifically Fintech, but also on topics, like IT and digitalization and its impact on the world (like e.g. mobility). #fintech #bankingsector #innovation #bankingtechnology