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Unlocking Business Value: Moving Beyond Low-Level Programming

Open source has undeniably revolutionized the world of software engineering . Instead of constantly reinventing the wheel, software teams now rely on reusable open-source components for low-level tasks. This shift allows developers to focus on programming that creates more business value, using tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Tomcat, MySQL, React, and Vue.js, which have become the backbone of modern software solutions worldwide. At first glance, it may seem that with such robust open-source ecosystems, developers can concentrate exclusively on coding business logic. After all, business logic is what differentiates one company from another—it is specific, continuously evolving, and typically requires close collaboration between developers and business experts, who are often less inclined to contribute to open-source projects. However, the reality is that   a large portion of development time is still spent on non-business-oriented programming   (such as installing components, setting up
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Behind the Scenes: How Banks Handle Payment Claims and Disputes

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From Data to Decisions: The Journey of Data in Analytics

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Less is More: Why Product Managers Should Embrace Simplicity

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AI's Journey in Banking: Beyond the Initial Wow Effect

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