The tech-companies of Silicon Valley (with Facebook one of its most notable proponents) embrace the attitude of " Move Fast and Break Things ", "Sell/Ship First, Fix Later" and "Growth at any cost". This philosophy promotes a fast time-to-market (and being first on the market) over quality. The idea is that if you aren’t breaking things you’re delivering value too slowly. In a world with continuous evolution (especially in the tech sector), this seemed the right way forward. This is in strong contrast with the large established financial service companies , which have often only a few releases a year , with multiple test-phases and test-cycles, which often take months to complete. As always in these types of evolutions, the 2 extremes (productivity/time-to-market versus predictability/quality) tend to converge to a middle ground. On the one hand the incumbent banks are adopting Agile and DevOps methodologies and practices , allowing...
A weekly blog with articles on the future of financial services sector and more particular specifically Fintech, but also on topics, like IT and digitalization and its impact on the world (like e.g. mobility). #fintech #bankingsector #innovation #bankingtechnology