Historically banks have been hesitant to adopt open source software (i.e. software where source code is shared and made freely available). With traditional vendors like IBM, TIBCO, Oracle… strongly positioned in this industry, the move to open source has been slow. In recent years, forced by a rapidly changing business, banks are transforming their IT organizations considerably, adopting new technologies and methodologies like Cloud, microservices, Open APIs, DevOps, Agile and also Open Source (often these different adoptions enforce each other). The Open Source movement has already reached a certain level of maturity . While 5-10 years ago, Open Source was still considered something of computer-nerds, idealists and small start-ups, today it has become mainstream. The recent acquisitions of open-source companies by large established corporate tech-vendors is the best proof of this evolution: SalesForce bought MuleSoft for $6.5 billion in March 2018 ...
A weekly blog with articles on the future of financial services sector and more particular specifically Fintech, but also on topics, like IT and digitalization and its impact on the world (like e.g. mobility). #fintech #bankingsector #innovation #bankingtechnology